All of earth proclaims His wondrous glory A stately tree... some small twigs... even a withering branch... may have an intriguing tale to tell may we listen and watch with hopeful hearts as on this earth we dwell.
How does God speak to you? As I walk through life, every now and then God shows me one of my silly "pamisms," as my friend Vicki Dauer calls them. Hope they bless your heart!
Little pamisms of insight Are truly not from me It's to God I give all glory As well it should be.
Editor's note
Many of the photos on this site are copyrighted/licensed through and Church Web Advisor. Please contact editor for specific photo use.
Being Royal
I’m a little bit obsessed with the royal family. Ever since I watched
Princess Diana walk the aisle in her billowy dress and miles of train, I’ve
been ho...
A True New Life
Why Montana soooo many ask???!!!! There are a couple reasons.....
1)When I was a little kid and lived in Steamboat Springs CO we vacationed
in B...
A Glimmer of Hope
*A glimmer of hope slipped into the world, *
*arriving with love at our Savior’s birth, *
*a promise fulfilled that was long foretold, *
*with divine lig...
One Word 365 - Shift 2013
I wrestled for weeks with what my One Word would be. I was actually quite
frustrated that it was taking me so long to narrow down the list I was
Come See Me!
***If you haven’t read about it, I’ve moved! I know the majority of you
have not signed up for the new posts. I hope you will hop over and remedy
that. ...
Torn Between
Warning: This blog may cause triggers for survivors. Silence on the outside
has led to mighty storms within. And in the silence- cries and screams,like
no ...
I cannot say Our if I live only for myself.
I cannot say FATHER if I do not endeavor each day to act like His child.
I cann...
No, Slow, Grow or Go?
Lately, while my tall, hairy son sits beside me in the car, (only in the
driver's seat now), I am reminded how many times I've heard from others
older and ...
We’re Moving!
I’ve been working for a few weeks on integrating my blog, newsletter, and
website. It’s finally ready for the official release on Monday. I invite
you to v...
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